Sleep Apnea

man snoring in bed

Sleep apnea is a serious chronic disorder that negatively impacts the patient's health. Patients are often unaware they are suffering from sleep apnea, while others wake up gasping for breath. There are numerous treatments available that can address the symptoms and the disorder!

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that involves frequent periodic breathing disruptions while sleeping. This can be caused by a physical deformity or abnormality or by the brain sending improper signals to the muscles required for breathing. Sleep apnea is a chronic condition that can present many varying symptoms, from excessive sleepiness to system health issues.

In many situations, patients are completely unaware that they are even suffering from sleep apnea. Still, others know right away that something is wrong. For those patients, they typically wake up gasping for breath.

woman sleeping with CPAP mask

Types of Sleep Apnea

There are two common types of sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) involves a physical obstruction to proper airflow and is the most common type. Central sleep apnea (CSA) occurs when the brain fails to send proper signals to the breathing muscles. Some patients suffer from both types, known as complex sleep apnea (CSAS).

What Are the Causes and Risks?

Sleep apnea interrupts sleep patterns, causing constant tiredness and potential for other serious ailments. It can affect anyone at any age, including children. Some patients show no outward signs of sleep apnea but can still suffer from the disorder.

Risk factors of sleep apnea include:

  • Smoking
  • Family history
  • Large neck size
  • History of stroke/heart problems,
  • Chronic nasal congestion

Get Better Quality Sleep with Sleep Apnea Treatment!

Sleep apnea should be addressed immediately because of the potential consequences. If you suspect you may have this disorder and want to seek treatment, visit Bonnie & Simone today. We can evaluate your situation and create a treatment plan to address your needs.

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