Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide, commonly known as "laughing gas," is the most common type of dental sedation. Patients who undergo nitrous oxide sedation report feelings of euphoria and deep relaxation. The gas also takes and loses effect almost instantly, making it the only sedation that doesn’t require you to arrange a ride after your appointment.
The gas is administered through a facemask placed over the nose at the beginning of the procedure. Once we complete the procedure, we pump oxygen through the mask to reduce or eliminate post-operative side effects. Nitrous oxide is easy to control with minimal side effects, making it one of the safest and most effective ways to eliminate anxiety.
Oral Sedation
Oral sedation is also extremely common in dentistry. This type of sedation typically comes in the form of a pill or liquid. Medications like Halcion or Valium may be the best way to achieve minimal to moderate levels of relaxation. The medication typically makes you drowsy or groggy, but you'll still be alert enough to answer questions and understand your surroundings.