Root Canal

model of root canal

Many patients fear root canals, but the procedure has improved in technique and understanding over the years. They’re one of the most common dental surgeries that restore a tooth’s lost or limited functionality, providing instant relief from chronic tooth pain.

What Does a Root Canal Involve?

Before surgery, we’ll apply a numbing agent to the gums and the affected tooth to ensure your comfort. Next, we’ll drill a hole at the top of the tooth to expose the infected area. We’ll then remove the infection, sometimes having to remove all the pulp and dentin from the tooth's interior. Once the infection has been removed, we will then use a malleable resin to fill in the cleared-out section of the tooth.

How Can I Know if a Root Canal is Successful?

For a root canal procedure to succeed, all bacteria, plaque, and dead tissue must be removed from the surgical site. If any diseased tissue remains, the infection can continue progressing and damage the tooth, further compromising dentin and pulp from the tooth's interior. When this progresses too far, it can compromise the interior health of the tooth and result in a tooth extraction.

tooth model

Recovering From Root Canal Surgery

Patients should take it easy during the first week following the procedure. Pay close attention to the types of foods they consume. We recommend against eating raw vegetables or chewing on ice or other hard items.

It is important to let the tooth fully heal before resuming your normal diet. Once healed, the tooth's functionality returns to normal, and you no longer have to deal with pain or discomfort.

Do You Think You Need Root Canal Therapy?

Have you been putting off seeing the dentist for your tooth pain? Come visit Bonnie & Simone for an assessment to determine if a root canal is warranted. We’re always available for our patients. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with our team.

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