Do Coffee, Tea, And Cigarettes Really Stain Your Teeth?

November 1, 2023

Nearly 80% of all Americans drink either coffee or tea each day. Many people drink these warm beverages to wake up in the morning. If you are one of those habitual coffee drinkers or tea sippers, you may not have the white teeth you want.


There are some health benefits to drinking coffee and tea. Both coffee and tea have caffeine, which can help you feel awake and alert. It can also help get rid of a headache. If you are hungry, drinking coffee and tea can curb your appetite. Green tea and black tea both have chemicals to improve health. However, tea and coffee contain tannins that stain your teeth. The more coffee and tea you drink, the more you stain your teeth.


While you may enjoy the calming effects of a cigarette, cigar, or a pipe, the nicotine in tobacco can change the color of your teeth to yellow or brown. If you are a smoker, you may want to quit. That's because nicotine not only stains your teeth, but it can contribute to slow healing as well as increased bacterial growth in your mouth, which can lead to both cavities and gum disease.


If you need help whitening your teeth, switch to a tooth whitening toothpaste. There are also whitening mouthwashes that can help improve your tooth shade. You can also try tooth whitening strips for a couple of weeks that you can get over the counter. If the over-the-counter methods don't work, you might want to talk to your dentist. Dentists can help you whiten your teeth with whitening trays you can use at home or in-office whitening techniques, such as deep cleaning and lasers.

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